We have agreed how to divide finances, do I still need a solicitor?

Being able to agree how to divide finances with your spouse often makes for a more amicable, swift, and cost-effective solution. However, simply reaching an agreement cannot give parties a clean break, which means that either party could make an application to the court to consider finances at a later date. The only way to ensure a clean break is to turn your agreement into an order of the court.

Other points to consider are below:- 

  • Is the agreement you have reached fair? Even in respect of an agreement, the court will consider fairness and will refuse to turn an unfair agreement into an order. 
  • Do you know about the available assets and incomes? The first step in reaching a fair agreement is for both parties to disclose their full financial circumstances. 
  • Do you know what orders the court can make and how to make other provisions enforceable?

After reaching an agreement you should be able to move forward safe in the knowledge that a line has been drawn, the terms you have agreed can be enforced if necessary, and any future assets and income you accrue will be safe from further claims. 

RLK Solicitors can assist with giving you the peace of mind to move forward knowing that your matrimonial finances have been resolved once and for all.  RLK Solicitors have experienced family law solicitors able to advise upon the factors most relevant to your circumstances and how these should be taken into account. A realistic approach often saves both time and money.

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